Sound Art

Sound Installations


Sound and video installation by Tim Ovens and Michael Sutor

As part of the Festival for New Music zeit·punkt '07


‍ Hannover · Bunker Loensstrasse


Millions of cubic meters of water fall into the depths. The visitor enters the room, seeking hold, conquering a place. Infinitely the quantity of the single drops, united to surfaces, bizarre forms, finally perceived as water jet.

The blood pulsates in us, we live in the constant stream in us.

Are rhythm.


The water drumming on our ears. Movement suggests travel. All senses are highly active. Foreign and internal world unite.

The more we indulge in the flowing movement, the more our senses lose their orientation. We float, leaving space and time. Our body experiences movement, becomes itself a movement, while the mind goes on a walk.


Lonely quiet sounds - counterpoint to the masses of water - drip in the distance, condense, approach. The incessantly flowing images become sound. As drops turn into streams, sounds combine to form a flood of sound, to solidify abruptly. Sound lines cross the room. Instrumental sounds and sounds weighed against each other to ebb away in the distance.


The contrasting composition by Tim Ovens and a continuously evolving sequence of slow motion and real-time projections by Michael Sutor make a work that leads the viewer into a new zone of experience. Surrounded by sinking masses of water, he gives himself to the musical orientation. He staggers, he floats and he experiences.








Sound installation in the Cathedral of Schleswig


For the 700th anniversary of the Cathedral School Schleswig

In cooperation with pupils of the Cathedral School


The Horae (Horae = lat. hours) are a symbol of the division of time, for the course of life, history, for the Christian hour prayers, but also for the ancient goddesses of the times and times of the day, the daily destinies of the people monitor.


The Cathedral School Schleswig looks back on 700 years of history. In the sound installation by Tim Ovens the passage of time is represented by symbolic sounds. The cathedral is filled with composed sounds, sounds and voices. Texts from a book of the Gospels of 1343 can be heard, from the time when the cathedral school is first mentioned, and from the sounds that reflect our time. In addition quietly but inexorably steadily drops of water; Water Symbol for life, for emergence, but also for offense. Texts from the history of the Cathedral School, woven and collected by pupils of the Cathedral School, are woven into these signs.


The sound installation Horae was created in collaboration with teachers and students of the Cathedral School Schleswig. We thank for the friendly support in the field of acoustics by the company ACR Schleswig.


Room plan - Click to enlarge

Cutting plan - Click to enlarge


Multimedia sound and video installation

In Hanover's underground

Tim Ovens (sound) and Kurt Neubert (video)








The scene: a subway station never put into operation.

The contrast becomes immediately clear: portray movement in a place where progress is no longer possible.


Video installations and music composed by Tim Ovens are themed „on the move“ („…unterwegs…“). Each visitor is given a sound when entering the station via reflectors, which accompanies him and which he can change interactively by moving within the station.


The sung and spoken text is based on the 47. Vers of the 2500 year old Tao Te King, which deals with the topic "to be on the move". From giant screens, people look down at the visitor, faces of people on the move. In the world, in her city, in her own life.









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